Monday, May 29, 2006

Walking with my iPod

A few years ago, I discovered the joys of walking. I had done hardcore running for years, but, between that and all the basketball I play, I found that my knees were starting to hate me terribly for all the abuse. Since I didn't want to give up basketball, I decided to give walking a try, and I fell in love! Ok, so it seems you have to walk twice as long to gain the same benefits as running, but studies show that walking does indeed provide almost as good a positive cardiovascular effect for the body, as well as MUCH less wear and tear on the joints and spinal cord. Plus, there is something to be said for being able to really sit and experience one's environment while walking that goes by much too fast when running! For instance, how this time of year there are so many baby squirrels, birds and geese in my neighborhood, as well as all the new flowers and leaves blooming. It is a constant reminder of how amazing Mother Nature can be! To that end, I walk daily, sometimes multiple times a day, probably putting in a good 4-6 miles a day. Recently, I have begun to seek out trails and hiking paths in my area, and my future goals are to plan my vacations around various hiking paths throughout the country.

The thing I love to do when I walk is just put my iPod in my ears and go!!! Its amazing how much inner peace I can achieve while walking with just the right music. I get a lot of thinking done, and have always been able to use my walks to help calm the demons that sometimes plaque my mind...whether it be problems at work or home or just about anything in my life. But what probably amazes me most of all is when I am in a mood that I cannot seem to find the right music to play. This always frustrates me considering I have almost 3000 tunes on my iPod from almost every type of music (ok...admittedly heavier on the Beatles and the Grateful Dead...long live Jerry!!). It seems like just as I find the right song, my walk is over (it has happened more than once!!).

So...if you ever want to experience a nice, healthy, low stress form of exercise, I highly recommend walking. Not only for the health benefit, but for the peace of mind a nice, leisurely walk can sometimes bring. And while you are walking, don't forget to experience the world around you!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Basketball again!

One thing about me is that I have always been a baskeball junkie. I have been playing since I was 7 years old (so that makes....a long time!), and still get as much of a thrill out of playing now as I did 20 years ago. I still get that tingle of excitement stepping out onto the court, warming up with jumpshots, and then the actually playing of the game. I have always preferred pickup games to organized leagues...out on the playground, you referee your own games, you can make the games as physical as you want, and there is a camaraderie in those games that aren't found in a more organized setting. The pickup game is played for the love of the game, and nothing more (well..yes..the exercise, but thats a given!). There are no trophies, no championships, just pure ball. And the best part is that if you lose, you know you will be playing again within a few minutes, or immediately if multiple games are going on at the playground, with a new team that might be a better mix of players.

So, why write about all this? Because I had stopped playing for several months because I was too busy at my new hospital. But the desire to play, the need for the physical release, and the growing belly all spurred me on to say, "Fuck it! Its time to play ball again!" And so, the other day, I ventured out again to my "temple"-- the basketball courts at the local play once more. Although I ended up playing mainly with high schoolers young enough to be my sons, I sort of...kind of held my own...actually managed to win a game or two...and, three hours later, finished with a few hugs and high fives, and, most importantly, with the return of a very warm feeling inside. Of course...don't ask about the morning after...thats an entirely different story!!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Homeless story

A good friend of mine wrote in his blog the other day about his experience with the homeless where he lives, and it reminded me of a story of my encounter with a particular homeless man. I did my residency at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, which is located in the Washington Heights section of NYC. In this area, especially around the hospital, are quite a few homeless. When I used to leave the parking garage to head home over the George Washington Bridge, I used to go out of along the Riverside Drive exit. There, at the corner of Riverside Drive and 165th Street, I used to encounter the same homeless man, who was equipped with a squeegy, pail and towel. He would try to wash everyone's windows who's cars were stopped at the light. Although most people would shoo him away, I always let him clean my windows, and would always give him a dollar or two. After a while, we actually developed a repoire, and would end up having some small talk...he would always ask how my day went at the hospital, tell his plans for getting his life back together after sharing how it fell apart, etc. After a while, I actually looked forward to our chats. And then one day, he absolutely shocked me by refusing to take my money anymore, and would insist on cleaning my windows for free. He told me how our conversations, and the kindness I showed him meant more to him than any money I could give him...

This touched me so very deeply; maybe because it showed me that there is goodness and a humanness in everyone, and that the simple act of showing some kindness to one's fellow man can lift you so spiritually, that words fail to explain the feeling it brings inside. I obviously lost touch with him after completing my residency, and I always have hoped he got his life back together. But the feelings our encounters brought me will stay with me a lifetime!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bitching already!

Okay...I hate to start out a new blog by bitching, but I must vent for a few today. Have you ever worked with someone who is the antithesis of a team player? I am sure you have all worked with such a person. There is a particular co-worker that has taken to screwing us to an art form. Here, at the hospital where I work, Wednesday and Thursdays are our busiest days. We have this one guy who always manages to find an excuse to call out at least twice a month, ALWAYS on a Wednesday or a Thursday. Why is overwhelmingly busy....why Thursday? Its always the Thursday before a weekend that he has to cover. Why not Friday? Because taking off a Friday before a covering weekend is automatic grounds for suspension.

I have worked at my current position for a little under 6 months, and he has already called out eight (thats 8) times. Some of his excuses:

1. My car broke down and I need to take it to the shop
2. My child had an asthma attack last night and I just got back home (mind you..he has a stay at home wife)
3. My uncle in Pakistan died (I have been told by my co-workers that his uncles have died three times now!!)
4. My wife is sick and I have to stay home to help take care of the kids (only one is still home and her mother lives with them)
5. I have a bad stomach flu, but will definitely be in tomorrow!!! get the picture. Feel free to use any of these excuses if you need to call in sick and screw your co-workers. I am done bitching now, I have a boatload of work to do!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What is this all about?

Why did I do this? I don't really know. I was sitting here at lunch, eating my sandwich, having an energy drink, and pondering my after having some rather unpleasant things happen in my life, like a dear friend getting sick, a colleague at work having a family member die very young, thinking about how my job isn't anywhere near what I signed up for, the intense seriousness of my other blog, I decided I needed to do something that is just absolutely mindless and fun.

Hence...JustHarmless and his stuff. What am I going to do here? I haven't got a clue, but I suppose that is the fun of doing something like this. Its fun to have a place with little structure, except to post, little set content except whatever strikes my fancy that particular day....just a place for me to be just harmless (sure!!!) we go......