A Russian colleague of mine (ok...yes...he is a newly American citizen....so must give him his props) introduced me to a website. He prefaced this introduction by telling me...only in Russia....it is a website from the Moscow Institute for Urine Therapy, a medical clinic in promoting the use of urine for medicinal purposes. Now my Russian is pretty crappy these days, so my friend translated it for me, and I use babelfish for a rough, and mind you, rough translation of the webpages (which actually makes it that much more "interesting", since a lot of the translation is a bit shaky!)The institute is actual called the Urine Institute, with the subtitle "to avoid the doctor's scalpel". But this website claims that they can use urine therapy to cure various ailments that conventional medicine fails at helping. They claim that their urine therapy can be used for upper respiratory ailments, libido, Alzheimer's, fitness, back ailments,etc! You name it, urine therapy can cure it!
They make the following statement about their urine:
"The urine, which we sell - truly Russian urine. Under the thorough control passes the selection of candidates for the blood donation - it is carried out genetic examination, checking by the genealogical through the Public Archives, the numerous interviews and the consultations of psychologist - we everything do for this reason the buyers of our urine would be being absolutely assured in the fact that precisely our product rightfully was worthy to be called Russian urine."
This, of course, makes me feel a lot better about using their products!
Click here to see their product page. As an example, they have a product called "sea breeze":
"sea breeze"
It possesses unique taste and aroma; the unique formula of cleaning; over steadfast therapeutic effect; it is rekomendovan for the preventive maintenance of the diseases of the upper respiratory tract; to 80% more effective than traditional medicinal analogs. (see the bottle on the right!)
The amazing thing to me is, after researching it further, apparently urine therapy is a lot more widespread than I ever imagined! For a nice overview, see the Wikipedia entry on the subject of urine therapy! Of the links on this website, the most comprehensive, if you want to truly learn more about urine therapy, is a neat compendium done by Vanderbilt University. It seems that there are actually quite a few proponents of urine therapy as part of the alternative medicine world.
So...if you ain't feeling quite right...give urine therapy a try! And if you like it, remember, there are franchise opportunities out there for you if you so choose!!!!
Again, that's just gross. no two ways about it. ew. yuck. blech, etc.
You should change your profile pic to your myspace pic...much more flattering, less like a drivers license ;)
OK. Now this one has got to go.... Urine therapy??? Yick. Disgusting. I think I'm gonna puke......
I can contribute to some of your postings..... Like doing a BM Biopsy on a 350 lb. patient just before a hamburger...... or maybe even in-between bites....Uch. I think I feel sick......
It sounds gross and is pretty gross but if you want a better chance for healing than traditional medicine can offer (as in my case with advanced lupus: thyroid, liver, adrenal, and circulation malfunction) it doesn't seem quite so gross as the alternative: dying. I want to get well and so far it is working. I don't buy foreign stuff though, I use my own. It's cheaper, readily available, and custom-made just for me. My body instantly recognises it as friendly. You gather it midstream as you would at the doctor's office, but I understand the best urine to collect is that generated while your body was doing the most healing, which is during the night (or the first morning urine). The only time it seems gross to me now is when the urine is too concentrated, so I add water to it OR I drink less of it, then chase it with something better, like rice milk or carrot juice. Otherwise, it will soon taste like I have "potty mouth". Ha, ha, I couldn't resist that. Anyways, wouldn't it be something if this could help in the treatment of AIDS and other immuno-deficiency diseases? Unfortunately, who would back this type of treatment since there is no financial profit in a product that is free and is freely manufactured daily by everyone? ~LC
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