As most of my friends know, I am a big fan of Jagermeister. That black velvety goodness that tastes so good going down, and gives so much back in return, has never let me down. However, lately, I have had a desire to expand my Jager experience. I've done Jager Bombs (Jager + Redbull), mixed Jager shots (i.e., Jager and Goldschlager, otherwise known as a Screaming Nazi), and Jager with other shots. But my new quest is to find the perfect Jagermeister cocktail. This might take some time, and quite a bit of experimentation, but I am confident that my quest will be a successful one. If Dr. Tiki and the crew can find something to mix with Ouzo (I refer you to Tiki Bar TV episode #18, Greeki Tiki), then I am sure Jagermeister can be complemented with other ingredients. I will employ the mixing powers of everyone on the planet I can, even having reached out to Johnny Johnny to use his enormous bartending powers in creating the perfect Jager cocktail.
I will keep a log of my quest, and publish my findings in future posts. Wish me the very least, I am in for some very drunken times....
here is one for when you wake...
* 2 cl Jägermeister
* 2 cl Kahlua
* Fill up with Coffee
Mixing instructions:
Kahlua. Add Jäger. Fill up with coffee. Serve with cream.
Jager and cold.
That's it.
Nothing else goes with Jager.
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